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- items shoe-cabinet,wardrobe,light switch§landing,fire-extinguisher
- do leave house
- [
- print You leave the house and the part of reality I created.
- dead
- ]
- do go downstairs
- [
- print All doors except the main entrance and the doors on the 2nd floor
- print are locked.
- print You climb up again.
- addtime 1
- ]
- do enter Guido's room
- [
- print You open the door and enter the chaotic (but as Jawed says "very
- print personal") room.
- go Guido's room
- ]
- do enter Ingo's room
- [
- print What an UGLY place. Now you know why the room is empty.
- print Sooooo boooooring.
- print You leave the room in shock.
- addtime 1
- ]
- do enter bathroom
- [
- iftime 90
- [
- ifflag pissed
- [
- print You were there and do not need to do it again now.
- |
- print GOOD idea, you needed that. Now you feel a lot better.
- addtime 3
- setflag pissed
- ]
- |
- ifitemin wateringcan,INV
- [
- ifflag can full
- [
- ? Nothing has changed since your last visit.
- |
- ? While you are here do, you want to fill your nice wateringcan?
- startchoose
- choose fill wateringcan
- [
- ? You fill it.
- setflag can full
- ]
- choose do not fill it
- [
- ? Why did you come here?
- ]
- endchoose
- ? You leave the bathroom.
- ]
- |
- print You do not need to go there now.
- ]
- ]
- ]